With sions use hardware keys as software protec- Graphisoft offering a very capable entry tion. Autodesk ArchiCAD licencing works on a concurrent has quietly announced the availability of basis, with users free to install software on Autodesk Revit LT, formerly Project Spark as many machines as required. Conclusion The entry level BIM market will become a Licencing battleground over the coming year. which costs from £391 and integrates well with ArchiCAD. adding to future software of the Abvents Artlantis, overheads. In addition, the software or for overflow The omission of high-end rendering could be easily there is a special UK only version, ArchiCAD 16 Solo, which has been tailored to requirements should a project require more users, without rectified with the purchase the smaller design studio. the full version with licence discounts are also This could be used to evaluate Teamwork capability. price is from £3,899 plus upgrades in the rental period) Firms that need multiple VAT for a fi rst licence, and works out at £477 per seats will be better off with including upgrades and email support. The actual per quarter (including with a no-loss upgrade path. Prices start at £657 into BIM from 2D CAD, incorrect price for full ArchiCAD 16.

It enables software rental erful entry-level system, a In the July/August edition based on three, six or 12 good starting point to get of AEC we quoted an months.

ArchiCAD Solo is a powArchiCAD 16 Correction up to 28 days, say, for a laptop while on site. On upgrade to the full version of ArchiCAD all money paid for Solo is discounted off the full copy of ArchiCAD Teamwork. ArchiCAD 16 Solo supports multi-core processing and runs natively on PC (as a 32-bit application) and Mac OS (64-bit).